What is WinWinVideos all about?

I started this job fresh out of college. Knew quite a bit about videography, knew a bit about marketing, but didn’t know a lot about this company. Not to sound too dense here, but quite honestly, it took me a solid week to understand exactly what it was we were offering as a company. Putting myself in the shoes of someone who doesn’t know anything about us, it’s become clear we need to explain our value proposition.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of the value of a testimonial, but in short, people trust their peers more than they do a company. We offer a testimonial service. You already knew that, but what sets us apart? Well there’s a few things that make collecting a testimonial tricky. Little pain points that I’m sure you’re familiar with that we offer solutions to. The big one, and where we focused much of our energy: how do I find a customer willing to sing my praises? This is hard because you have customers all throughout the US, many of whom offer different experiences that you are trying to communicate to your market. You need to establish which of your consumer’s pain points you’d like to address, find a customer that overcame that pain point, and then somehow find a videographer in that location or fly one out. All of this rides on that customer’s willingness to take time out of their busy day to create a video production about you.

Our solution is simple: reward them. Where they offer you a video testimonial, you offer them a video of their own. Our videographer will already be on site, tons of reusable B roll, and our comprehensive shoot outline. When you hire us, your customer gets a video of their choice for their own marketing purposes. This is incredibly symbiotic as it further establishes your relationship with that client while also getting additional content of your own. It allows for collaborative posts on social media, allows you to share audiences and their engagement, shows you care for that customer’s experience with you as a company, and honestly depicts the value you bring to your market.

There’s many choices out there that offer testimonial packages, but none that match the scope of what we provide. With using us, you can expect three months of content, each tailored to various channels of distribution to maximize your marketing campaigns. In one quarter you can explore the entirety of how your business has positively affected your customer. Long form horizontal testimonials, short form vertical videos, and now we also offer a video for a nonprofit you and/or your customer supports. Again, all in one affordable package.

Strengthen your existing customer relationships while demonstrating the value you can bring to your prospects. If you’d like to get started today, give us a call at 800.272.7222.

Jon Nigbor - President
Jon Nigbor : President

email : jon.nigbor@media272.com

tel : 800.272.7222

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